A graphic titled Mini Reading with an image of an astrological wheel over a moon against a cosmic sky
A graphic that explains what the mini reading will include

Astrology - Birth Chart Mini Reading

Regular price $25.00

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Hey friends, I'm proud to offer some basic mini readings at a very low introductory rate as I gather my reading skills.  This reading will include the following at the very minimum:

-Your Big Three - Sun Sign, Rising Sign, Moon Sign and what these mean.

-Your House Placement - based on whole house sign system and what that means.

-Whether you have a day or night chart and what that means.

I may also throw in other things I see if they stand out as important.  I can then book follow up sessions to dig into the deeper aspects of your chart.

How it will work:

1. Please include your birthday, exact time of birth, and the city you were born in.

2.  I will prepare a reading which will be provided as a video recording and notes to be sent to your email address.

3.  I will complete within 5 business days of receiving your order to give me time to study and reflect on your chart. It's worth the wait!

3. No physical items will be included in this reading.